CSI's work programs provide participating inmates with an obligation to address their offending behaviour and to prepare for their eventual release back into the community.
Operating real-world workplace environments in the correctional system has benefits for both inmates and the community.
CSI's on-site training in these workplaces prepare inmates for post-release employment, enhancing their job prospects and minimising their chances of reoffending.
Work Readiness programs
develop cognitive skills to
improve employability.
Progress is measured as
part of case management.

CSI business units are authentic workplaces, which combine real work experience, vocational training and overseer coaching and mentoring.
CSI Overseers (trade qualified supervisors) provide competency training for all processes, plant and equipment and maintain workplace training records.
All inmates in custody working with CSI receive workplace safety inductions.
Inmates are assessed for previous work experience and educational level. Those with higher needs are intensively coached in the workplace and provided with learning support by qualified teachers. Work Readiness programs develop cognitive skills to improve employability. Progress is measured as part of case management. Working with inmates in this way encourages self-responsibility and law-abiding community living.
Many inmates participate in our expanding traineeship program. They complete traineeships in print, construction, warehousing, hospitality, food services, furniture making, laundry operations, horticulture, business administration, commercial cleaning operations, agriculture and engineering. Many CSI Business Units integrate vocational training from Registered Training Organisations, including TAFE NSW. We also carry out WorkCover accredited technical training and run short courses for specific workplace competencies.
Visitors are often impressed by the skill levels and production intensity demonstrated in CSI Business Units. Interested customers/employers are able to arrange visits through the CSI Business Development Manager.