CSI exposes inmates to workplaces that are real, relevant and closely matched
to the sort of workplace they'd find in the community. However, our role is more complex than just putting inmates to
work and training them. It is to prepare them to participate in a pro-social way
in the community upon their release and seek employment. With pre-release planning, employment opportunities are then
sought from our links in the working community. Would you consider employing an
ex-offender in your organisation? Today, many corporate organisations include social responsibility as part of
their mainstream business values. |  Ex-offenders face many barriers on the road to reintegration.
Support to gain or improve marketable skills and secure employment soon after
release has been shown to be a vital component in ensuring a successful
transition back into the community. Most sentenced offenders in NSW work in correctional industry
business units and also undertake specialised programs and education. Through
forging links with industry associations, employers, trades unions and other
government agencies, CSI plays a key role in an offender’s successful
reintegration to the community. The benefit to a prospective employer is that an ex-offender is
inducted in OH&S, trained in work readiness skills, with assessed production
line competencies and with work experience in quality accredited business
units. By linking with correctional centres that already have business
units involved in their industry, employers can contribute to the design and
delivery of programs for improving the education and vocational training of
offenders. They also have access to a pool of job ready workers. Today, many corporate organisations include social responsibility
as part of their mainstream business values. If you would like to know more
about ex-offender employment programs, or know of someone you think may be
interested, please contact the CSI Business Manager tel: 02 4582 2420. |